2024 Annual Conference of Southeast Asian Studies in Taiwan
議事規則|Rules of Procedure
1. 每場次共計90分鐘,時間分配如下表:
2. 綜合討論採「統問統答」方式進行。
3. 會議室內禁止飲食,請勿將飲料(水除外)、食物帶進入會議室內。
4. 為保障發表人之權益,除大會工作人員外,會議室內全面禁止錄音錄影。
5. 為確保全體與會者的安全,請隨身佩帶識別證。未配戴識別證者恕無法進入會場。
6. 會議進行時請關閉電子設備或調整為靜音模式。

1. Each sections will be 90 mins long. The time distribution is as below:
2. A 3-minute and 1-minute warning will be given
3. Discussion questions will be collected collectively and responded to by the presenters.
4. No food and drinks allowed in conference rooms.
5. Please DO NOT video and audio record during the conference.
6. All conference attendees are expected to wear badges during the event. Those without badges will not be able to access the conference rooms.
7. Please turn off electronic devices, or switch to vibrant mode during the conference.